Top 5 resources to start your journey to a healthy 2021!


Image of Healthy Living

Ha! We all want to write off 2020. As much as we like to diss it, it surely taught us a few things and one of them is taking care of our health. Immunity, mental well-being, discarding toxic thoughts and habits and forging meaningful relationships. While we may not have been able to achieve this in one full year while battling the pandemic and balancing work-life balance, we can surely go into 2021 with our newly learnt lessons. 

While we are at it and trying to think of places we would like to visit, bars we would want to go to, friends we intend to meet and movies we want to watch, let's also make some dos and donts. Continue doing what that enriches our minds. body and soul and cutting back on all that brought no joy and it even includes people. When I am trying to pick a new habit, be it in form of exercise or diet or even discarding a certain type of food group, I usually like to read various blogs and resources before I finally decide on the course. While I am sure there are a million blogs that you could follow or read up on how to approach a healthy lifestyle and healthier mind, here are some of them that you could further add to your list. I have found them to be very resourceful and insightful:

A very clean, easy-to-read blog on reading, relationships, therapy, motherhood and everything in between. It has a very positive vibe around the blog and leaves you with a happy feeling. A must-read if you want to avoid the clutter on social media and trolling, etc. and are looking to adopt a more positive outlook towards life. 

A humorous account of all things women face - from balancing lives to menopause, this blog talks about wellness without making it lengthy and preachy. 

I follow Protima on Instagram and find her advice on HIIT workout, healthy eating, slow living and upcycling extremely insightful. Her advice to reduce screen time and how to balance work and life is something I try and follow. I would highly recommend following her on social media as well as reading her blog on healthy living. Plus, her travel diaries are a bonus 😀

Neeti Mehra's blog is a guide to a sustainable way of life - right from composting and eating healthy food to wearing clothes that last longer. Not only this, but her blog also has some interesting vegan recipes that I love to follow - her blog is very thoughtful. All those language lovers can also check out her posts on Sanskrit. It has inspired me to take up re-learning the language. A must-visit for those wanting to adopt a slow and sustainable lifestyle. 
Need myth debunking for your skin, head to this blog. Not only that, but it will also give you details on what you should eat to maintain gut health, how to take care of your skin in summer and motherhood related advice. 

Besides those I have mentioned above, do let me know some of your favorite blogs so I can build this list and add more! I would be happy to read what are you following to build a healthy routine.  

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