Crystal Healing - Should you or shouldn't you!
Image: We will take a break this week from our usual programming and learn something about an alternative therapy that has intrigued me in the past few days. The first instance of Crystal healing was found in Ancient Egypt somewhere around 4000 to 5000 years ago. The Ancient Sumerians used crystals for health and protection. Later in history, Greece and China also used stones for safety and good fortune. The word “Crystal” comes from the Greek word for ice, as it was believed that clear quartz was water that had frozen so deeply that it would always remain solid. Crystal and gemstones have played an important part in all religions and the word has been used in Bible, Koran and many other religious texts.(Source: Crystal Healing ) A little search on Google Trends and a few other tools made me realize that a lot of people are trying to understand how this works - just like me. Image: While I intend to go for a session and experience what t...