Suryanamaskars - Cardio at its best!
Suryanamaskar or Sun Salutations were a regular feature of our PE class in School. Though we grew up performing it but never really paid attention to the benefits much like most of things we learnt in school. Cut to present when you need to quickly add a quick cardio workout but arent willing to go through a series of YouTube videos that promise quick fat burn in 30 mins. Surya namaskar is a complete body workout that will not only tone your muscles and helps you with weight loss. Not only this, it is a superb warm up for your HIIT workout. Surya Namaskar is based on a sequence of seven asanas, of which five are repeated twice–making it a twelve-step salutation. Starting position: Stand erect with hands at their respective sides and feet as close together as possible. Place the body weight on the balls of the feet, towards the big toe. Hold the neck straight, abdomen in normal contour (deflated at its lower end but not necessarily drawn inwards), and chin drawn in. The sequ...